Mr. Rice and Peas for the Soul revisited 
SMAHoo Mind.SPA Digest


Nurture Your Mind And Emotional STATE of Being (ME.WELL) with Monthly SMAHooBits Edu-Therapy and Weekly Behavioural Change Maintenance Self-Care Hygiene.

"Monthly Year-Long Rice And Peas For the Soul REVISITED SMAHooBITs mindful self-motivated and intentional Addictive Thinking Mindset and Maladaptive Behavioural  Response to Lifeś Stresses and Stressors."

Mr. RAP soul.R Circle of Life  Year-Long
Gift Giving that starts with  you giving to your Mind.Emotional WELLness

Join SMAHoo for long-term mind and emotional self-care via one-time or recurring donations/subscriptions, helping prevent relapse. Embrace daily self-care for lasting well-being per WHO guidelines. Plus, use your Rewards points to pay it forward so community agencies can access our rapid real-time stress-response program.​ 

Gift Giving To Your Self  is Awarded and can be Paid Forward to the wider Community to Support the World Health Organization's ActionPlan 2013-2030"To Transform Mental Health for All Globally.

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Our Year-Long Mind.SPA

3 SEASONS of The 3 PHASES of Longer-Team Sustained Behaioural Change 

Season 1

Month 1 - January
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Month 2 - February
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Month 3 - March
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Month 4 - April
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New Year New You Behaviour Change Resolution

Self-Paced Or Guided Benefits

Why choose doing it alone or getting professional support

Image from Freepik

Daily exPE

Self-Paced or Professional Guided
SMAHoo Self-care Hygiene


The Laughing Drama Therapist


Challenged or Coached
The Recovery Show | RAPsoul.R TV