"Monthly Year-Long Rice And Peas For the Soul REVISITED SMAHooBITs mindful self-motivated and intentional Addictive Thinking Mindset and Maladaptive Behavioural Response to Lifeś Stresses and Stressors."
Circle of Life
Gift Giving
that starts with
you giving to your Mind.Emotional WELLness SELF.care
Join SMAHoo MIND.spa for long-term mind and emotional self-care via one-time or recurring donations/subscriptions, helping prevent relapse. Embrace daily self-care for lasting well-being per WHO guidelines. Plus, use your Rewards points to pay it forward so community agencies can access our rapid real-time stress-response program.
Gift Giving To Your Self is Awarded and can be Paid Forward to the wider Community to Support the World Health Organization's ActionPlan 2013-2030"To Transform Mental Health for All Globally.
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Someone's Lived Story... Isn't that what History?
Join me soon for "Case Studies..." and "Trauma-Informed..." Two new Mental Health Investigative Reporting Podcast Series
Year Long Programming
12 Months of mindful and intentionall daily self-motivated New Year, New You behavioural change self-care maintenance management care.
Our Year-Long Mind.SPA
3 SEASONS of The 3 PHASES of Longer-Team Sustained Behaioural Change
Season 1
New Year New You Behaviour Change Resolution
Self-Paced Or Guided Benefits
Why choose doing it alone or getting professional support
Image from Freepik
The Recovery Show Podcast 16 Weeks SMAHoody
TeleEdu-Drama Therapy meets Comedy in Recovery
Renee meets Mr. Hannays for 16 weeks of RAPsoul.R-SMAHoo Mind.SPA Therapy because of burnt Rice and Peas meltdown.
Rice And Peas For The Soul REVISITED Podcast 16 Weeks SMAHoody series For Weekly Life Stress Self-Care CI & TU
TeleEdu-Drama Therapy meets Comedy in Recovery
Renee meets Mr. Hannays for 16 weeks of culturally sensitive faith-bases SMAHooBITs solution focused cognition reconditioning and ME.WELL detox restructuring.